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The Tea Time Podcast

Jul 28, 2020

Sometimes being busy means there is a lot to get done, but sometimes being busy means there is something being avoided. Often this can take the form of an emotion that feels upsetting to focus on. The topic of this episode is about disassociation and how it can look in the real world to hide from emotions. 

Thank you...

Jul 21, 2020

The topic of this episode is staying in the body while still in pain. When the body is in crisis it is normal to want to disconnect. This episode discusses the importance of staying with your body while it is in it's deepest need. 

Thank you for being here and thank you for taking the time to listen. 

If you want to...

Jul 14, 2020

Thank you for listening to another episode in the series I am calling "meeting my body" in this series I discuss the different ways that I became aware of my body's needs over time. The topic of this episode is learning to trust a partner. This came as a major challenge to me and I realized, after a long time, that I...

Jul 7, 2020

What do you do when your body is in pain? On this episode I talk about how I manage being in pain and not running away from my body. In order to build trust between the body and the soul one must actively remain present to pain and ask the body what it is requiring. This episode talks about how to remain present with...