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The Tea Time Podcast

Jun 16, 2020

Thank you for tuning in, this episode is all about how I deal with my feelings and the big feelings of those around me. We are emotional beings who also crave community. Those two things can clash at times when the body is ready for the big emotions that surround us. How can we be present and validate the emotions...

Jun 9, 2020

Thank you for tuning into episode 46. I am happy to have you here. On this episode I talk about what it means, physically, to put your guard up and I give you some tips on how to help yourself a bit extra right now. Having your "guard up" is not simply an abstract concept. Actual physiological changes take place in...

Jun 4, 2020

Thank you for being here. On this episode I discuss how to move through that period of waiting or anticipation. How do you usually pass the time when you are waiting for a decision, an email, an offer, or a ride at an amusement park? I find that anticipatory period to be almost unbearable. On this episode I discuss...